2015 Earth Sunday Sermon and Worship Resources
"Shifting Energy: From Fossil Fuels to Climate Action"
UU Ministry for Earth commissioned me to write their 2015 Earth Sunday Sermon and develop a worship resources packet to help congregations plan their own Earth Sunday Worship Services. The theme for Earth Sunday 2015 was "SHIFT To a Low Carbon Future," which was also one of the three pillars of the commit2respond.org campaign. The service also tied in the theme of the fourth week of Climate Justice Month: "Commitment."
Traditional Service: “Another World Is Possible” Order of Service
January 13, 2019 - Emerson UU Church
Ritual Oriented Service: “Love Doesn’t Die: Honoring Our Beloved Dead” Order of Service
November 7, 2022 - Emerson UU Church
Multigenerational Service: "When I Am Frightened" (Script w/ Slide Cues)
October 29, 2017 - Emerson UU Church
PowerPoint Slides (saved as a PDF)
A Creative Spirit - Creative Order of Service & Leaders Order of Service
May 20, 2018 - Emerson UU Church
"Taking the Mountaintop With You" Order of Service
January 4, 2014 - West Shore UU Church
Children's Chapel
February 2, 2014 - West Shore UU Church
Time for All Ages Story: "Monkey and the Ridiculous Looking Animals"